Kicking off today and continuing over the next few months, we’ll be sharing real, first-hand stories of impact from programs operated in the Philippines — and how you help make this impact possible.
Learn how Rise Against Hunger Africa's ECD Connect Program ensures children between the ages of 0 and 6 have access to quality education and nutritious meals.
Sara, age 15, lives at Magone Girls House, which provides shelter and education for at-risk children in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo. There she receives Rise Against Hunger meals daily.
It's time to fly to South Africa with Rise Against Hunger board member Jay Patel and his wife, Nimisha Patel, for an impact trip recap to see firsthand the impact they've made possible.
The Latest Stories Of Impact
At Rise Against Hunger, our partners are so important to ensuring we can support the 2 million people we serve. On World Kindness Day, a day all about making a difference through kindness and celebrated annually o...
Sandra, a mother of three, lives in a small community in Nicaragua. According to the World Food Programme, 30 percent of the population in Nicaragua lives below the poverty line. The village where Sandra’s famil...
Emmanuel Levinas famously observed that to look into the eyes of someone else is – necessarily – to learn. There’s a lot that our partners, volunteers, staff, and Hunger Champions around the world don’t ha...
Did you tune into our World Food Day Hour of Impact live broadcast last week? We’re still buzzing from the day’s events and the overwhelming commitment to helping end world hunger from Hunger Champions like yo...
At Rise Against Hunger, we recognize that an important piece of the movement to end hunger is building the political will to create lasting change. In 1983, U.S. Representatives from New York, Texas and Ohio form...
Throughout this week every year, participants in over 150 countries celebrate and advocate for food security on World Food Day. One of the most important global holidays each year, the Food and Agriculture Organiz...