World Food Day celebrates a day of action dedicated to tackling global hunger. With a common goal of reaching a world of zero hunger, companies and organizations across the globe chose to use World Food Day as an...
For 16-year-old Lucy, her long journey to school each day took her steps closer to reaching her goals. Growing up on a small plot of land in Kibera, Kenya, Lucy lived with her family near a stream of water. She al...
Since our founding in 1998, we’ve been able to provide nutritious meals and other critical aid in 77 countries across the globe. Each country has its own unique set of social, economic and cultural values. This...
In a small city in Burkina Faso lives 55-year-old Kabore, whose garden has supplied nutritious food for multiple households in her community. With a single idea in mind to feed her family after the loss of her hus...
This summer, NC State University’s Global Training Initiative (GTI) welcomed international students from China to package Rise Against Hunger meals as part of the initiative’s support for ending global hunger.
“We just want to help kids like us!" When I asked the middle school students at Wake Forest Charter Academy why they were interested in packaging Rise Against Hunger meals, they expressed how they wanted to co...